الأحد، 19 مايو 2013


Sea-bathing and caressing sunshine. It is easy to understand that Greece’s goddess
of love Aphrodite was born from the waves on Cyprus’ beaches. The mythologlanguage, traditions and lifestyle are Greek, but dolmades and sheep cheese salacompete. Cypriot customs ofer delicious dishes such as mezé and halloumi cheeseEnjoy a vibrant mix of east and west and take the entertainment pulse of the islanof passion!strong in tradition and rich in culture

the island
With 300 days of sunshine a year, Cyprus is a hot tourisdestination, and the island’s history is equally hot. Cyprugot its name 3,500 years ago when valuablcopper—kypros—was found and this attracted hordes oGreeks and made the island into a symbol of power. Ten diferent peoples have ruled the island over 27 centuriesWhen Turkey invaded the most fertile part in 1974, thisland was divided into two. The Greek Cypriots, 80 pecent of the population, are in the south, and the TurkisCypriots are in the north illegally occupied area by thTurksFew countrieslive their history with such passion. Frothe golden beaches with their spectacular watersportsthrough citrus trees, pines and the dizzy Troodomountains, to the delightful areas, Cyprus is a colourfuadventure. See Nicosia, the city divided by a wall, discovethe food and culture and participate in the pulsatinnightlife.
The Royal Artemis Medical Center
The Royal Artemis MedicaCenter is English and multlanguage speaking private
hospital in town and is locatein a quiet residential area witeasy access to the main
tourist zone of Pafos. It ofers 54 well-appointed and fullequipped rooms, complying with the standards of a rsclass clinic and quality hotel. A team of doctors is availabl24 hours for home visits and emergencies
Take a trip into the mountainto discover an alternate vieof the island. Rising to almost
2,000 metres above sea levelthe Troodos peaks providpanoramic scenes to all
corners of the island, a cool retreat from the heat of thcoast and popular for taking in the healthy mountain aiand enjoying nature in all its majestCharming villages, some with cobbled streets and preserved folk architecture, nestle on terraced slopeamongst the pines or amid vineyards and orchardsWander through the village roads in the Solea Valleyknown as the “apple valley” and Marathasa, known a“valley with cherry trees”. Those areas are renowned fotheir traditional architecture and their Byzantine churcheand monasteries. Explore the traditional character of thvillages of Pitsilia area,the picturesque of the area, thinteresting churches and the hospitality of theirAddress: Troodos

beach life

Fine, white sand and clear water—it is lovely to bathe iCyprus.. There are 52 blue flag beaches (beaches meetinhigh environmental standards) in Cypru With a wealth of beaches to choose from, you’re bound tnd one that suits your taste. From the quiet backwaterof the western peninsula, to the lively resorts in the eastthe island has something for everyone
The eastern coast is famous for its ne white sandbeaches with shallow turquoise waters. Deep water baywith rocky outcrops are perfect for snorkelling or divingThe long nely packed grey sand of the southern coaslend themselves to long winter walks or jogging, while the
secluded coves of the western coast beckon when yowant to be alone.

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