الثلاثاء، 21 مايو 2013

New York

New York is pure energy. You’ve seen the towering skyscrapers, the bustling traand bright lights in the movies. The Big Apple is home to the world’s nesmuseums, most diverse restaurants, and top-rated music and entertainment. InFnitsidewalks lead to inFInite options: café-lined streets, humbling architecture, unique
designer stores, and the green grass hills of Central Park. That spring you feel iyour step is just one reason why this is the world’s favorite cityManhattan make navigation easy and run from east twest avenues intersect from north to south (uptown andowntownNew Yorkers are—contrary to their reputation—friendly
and talkative, and nearly every night of the week the city’bars and clubs are crowded with revelers. There arseveral universities in New York, which contribute tkeeping the city fresh and young

New York City may be small in size, but it’s huge inumbers. It’s the most densely populated city in North
America with 8 million citizens on just 830 square km olandIt has always been a city of immigrants, and even todaabout one-third of its citizens are foreign born. Roughl138 languages are spoken here, and vibrant new ethnienclaves pop up all over the city, oering visitors a vasarray of interesting cultural and culinary experienceWhile the city pulses with the blood of its newesresidents, old New York is still alive and well. Opera stilbursts from the venerable stage of Lincoln Center. WalStreet, the hive of capitalism, still bustles with thexcitement and tension of the stock market. And thstately apartments of New York’s wealthy, still frame thmajestic Central ParUsually when people speak of New York they meaManhattan, but New York City is made up of FIve boroughsThe Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and StateIsland. Visitors with a little extra time on their handshould at least pay a visit to Brooklyn with the hipsteheadquarters in Williamsburg, and stroll along memorieof the olden days at the Coney Island boardwalkNew York has become one of America’s safest cities, anthe best way to see it is to walk. Numbered streets inTours run daily. More walking tours are available froUrban Adventures
So many bars, so little time. New York has plenty of coobars and clubs for those who want a fun night out on thtown. Most nightlife revolves around the bar scene anmusic clubs, but here are the hotspots for those whprefer to get dressed up and dance with the beautifupeople. New York bars are smoke-free by law.
"Club Row" (27th StreetWest 27th Street in Chelsea has become known as th“Club Row” because of its many night spots. The streecurrently hosts no less than 13 clubs—for instance thhip Marquee and Sleep no moreAddress: West 27th StreeSky Room Times SquarThe Sky Room takes New York City nightlife to a new leveand transports its guests to a high-energy oasioverlooking Midtown Manhattan. The bi-level lounge
occupies the 33rd and 34th بoors of the Marriott Fair flelInn and Suites Times Square on 40th Street and boast360-degree views of Manhattan and the Hudson River
Shopaholics and fashionistas whisk out your credit cardsNew York is possibly be the best shopping city in thworld. Every major chain and label has an outpost hereand there are so many small designer boutiques and fle markets, you’re guaranteed to bring home much morthan you bargained for. Shopping in New York is retaiheavenMidtowIf you’re able to tear yourself away from Macy’s, there arretail shops of all kinds as far asthe eye can see in thineighbourhood. Walk uptown and cross over to 5th Ave tsee the shops grow increasingly delectable and exclusivtowards Saks Fifth Ave.

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